Welcome to C2IT Infrastructure and C2IT iØst


We are happy to welcome C2IT Infrastructure and C2IT iØst to the IT Relation family.

IT Relation has bought the companies C2IT Infrastructure and C2IT iØst, which has until now been hosting- and infrastructure companies in the C2IT group. 

Both companies will be merged with Mentor IT, which is a self-standing company under IT Relation, and which will be the surviving company. The three companies work within the same customer segment and offer similar types of services.

The merger means that Mentor IT will be a bigger and wider company, which is prepared, even better,  to handle new technologies and to be enterprising for more demanding challenges. 

The three companies are similar to one another - both in proportion to service goals and employee culture. They all focus on the customer's business and a desire to deliver services, which makes the customer's every day life more simple. Customer service is a central parameter for all three companies and a core area that will continue being paramount.

From now on, Mentor IT will employ 50 employees divided between 5 locations in Esbjerg, Kolding, Århus, Ballerup and Copenhagen.

Mentor IT's services comprises, among other things, handling of infrastructure, hybrid and public cloud solutions, application-management, hosting, operation and Service Desk. Furthermore, Mentor IT focuses on Modern Workplace, IT-security, digital transformation, optimization of business processes and automation and more solutions are also offered as-a-service.

